Sunday, September 15, 2013


Last weekend we went camping in Wyoming at Curt Gowdy State Park. We went mountain biking both days and I really enjoyed the trails. They were difficult, but there was enough that was ridable to keep me motivated. There was a small "playground" where I  rode up and over a giant rock. I was really reluctant at first and even chickened out on my first try, but once I did it, it wasn't so bad and I did it several more times.

It was a challenge to push myself to keep up with the boys, but still feel comfortable on the bike. I did fall going up a switchback and ended up with a massive bruise on my arm. On the way home, we took a detour to Little Man Ice Cream, which is becoming a favorite any time we're headed home from up north.

It's been raining all week, so we haven't done much in the yard. I moved a bit more dirt to level out the piles behind the wall, but it's a slow process. Earlier this week, the deck was demolished, so hopefully we will have it installed soon.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for pushing your limits mountain biking, Ash! And progress on the house to boot! Wonderful!
