Sunday, September 15, 2013


Last weekend we went camping in Wyoming at Curt Gowdy State Park. We went mountain biking both days and I really enjoyed the trails. They were difficult, but there was enough that was ridable to keep me motivated. There was a small "playground" where I  rode up and over a giant rock. I was really reluctant at first and even chickened out on my first try, but once I did it, it wasn't so bad and I did it several more times.

It was a challenge to push myself to keep up with the boys, but still feel comfortable on the bike. I did fall going up a switchback and ended up with a massive bruise on my arm. On the way home, we took a detour to Little Man Ice Cream, which is becoming a favorite any time we're headed home from up north.

It's been raining all week, so we haven't done much in the yard. I moved a bit more dirt to level out the piles behind the wall, but it's a slow process. Earlier this week, the deck was demolished, so hopefully we will have it installed soon.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Enjoyin' the Weekend

I'm getting back into being at work and have had two full weeks with the kids. That being said, I definitely enjoyed the extra day off for the holiday weekend. It seemed to be a good balance between being productive, getting some rest, and having fun. We spent some time in the yard and while Eric finished the wall, I started filling in the dirt. I know it may not look like it yet, but those dirt piles are definitely smaller than before.

The next step will be replacing the deck and we're looking forward to not having to do that part ourselves. Once that's finished, we'll move on to the patio and the grass. We'll see how much motivation we have left as to whether we'll do the patio ourselves or hire someone else.

We returned to Imperial Flyers for a drop in session today after attending the Open House last weekend. It's a trapeze club that I think could be a fun activity while I'm off in the summer. It's about 35 minutes from our house, but I think it could be worth it. They have an annual circus in August. How cool would it be to perform in their circus next year? I worked on the split today and had three catches, some more successful than the others.

This was my fifth time total, and so far I've been able to make catches from knee hang, heels off, whip, straddle whip, and now split. Unless they have another idea for next time, I might try bird's nest. I'd also like to try straddle whip again and make it look a bit cleaner than before.